Auditory Workout was created by a certified speech and language pathologist for students ages 4–10 who exhibit auditory processing disorders or other related disorders (e.g., receptive language disorder or autism). Auditory Workout is research-based and focuses on improving auditory attention and memory and auditory processing of verbal directions. This engaging, colorful app includes over 1,000 audio instructions. Children are welcomed by the basketball coach, who encourages them to work hard. Children earn a basketball for each correct response, and when they accumulate enough balls, they are rewarded with a game (a game of catch for younger children or/and basketball for older children).
Auditory Workout allows children to follow increasingly longer and more complex directions and includes more than 13 levels of difficulty.
Auditory Processing Disorder refers to the inability or the decreased ability to interpret sounds, words, or sentences. Individuals with this condition hear the sounds and the words, but the auditory nervous system does not process them.
Much research is still needed to understand auditory processing problems and treatment techniques; however, many studies have shown that frequent, challenging, and intense auditory training that targets the specific auditory deficit or deficits present is likely to improve auditory processing. Given our current understanding of language disorders and central auditory processing, techniques that facilitate language competence are likely to improve the auditory processing of language and vice versa (Bellis, 2009).
Auditory Workout implements the above theory as it offers a systematic and intense auditory comprehension program, challenging children’s auditory nervous systems by providing children with opportunities to follow instructions that gradually increase in length, and opportunities to follow increasingly complex verbal directions.
Chermak, G.D. 1998. “Managing central auditory processing— disorders: Metalinguistic and metacognitive approaches.” Seminars in Hearing 19: 379–392. Bellis, T.J. 2009. “Developing deficit-specific intervention plans for individuals with auditory processing disorders.” Seminars in Hearing 23: 287–295.
I absolutely love this app. It works for so many of my auditory comprehension and auditory processing students! The 4 groups provide up to 12 level activities in each area and more than one student can work on the app during the same session. This app has the ability to add background noise with a sliding volume lever! Each prompt requires the student to wait to respond until the complete prompt is given which helps with impulsive students. My students enjoy the basketball reward offered at short intervals which is very motivating. I am so happy with this app that I often recommend it to my co-workers. Jasmine S. (SLP)
Powerful enough for SLPs, easy enough for parents, and entertaining enough for students—Auditory Workout is a best-in-class app for developing listening skills and improving comprehension of verbal instructions. IHearThisApp
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