Wh-Questions Island was developed by a certified speech and language pathologist for children to practice auditory comprehension and verbal expression by answering wh-questions. Children will have fun playing the colorful animated board game and earning rewards while practicing wh-questions with real -life photos.
Wh-Questions Island includes two activity types: flashcard and the board game.
Wh-Questions Island includes both receptive and expressive language tasks. In receptive task, children listen to wh-questions and select the correct answer when given three choices. In the expressive task, children verbally answer wh-questions.
The board game is engaging. I love that the pieces move independently – it saves me from the hassle of helping them move pieces! I also love the real pictures as visual prompts. So many of my students have difficulty with WH questions, so I know I will the use the app a lot. I can use it to simultaneously target sentence formation, syntax and articulation using the expressive format.Speech Room News
This great app is easy to navigate and individualize for your students' needs. You can set the types of questions, receptive/expressive or both targets, how many turns before the students have to switch, and more!Speech Time Fun
WH-Questions Island combines the speech-language pathologists' love of pirates (okay and the children's too...) with a board game style application. Continue reading to learn more about this how this application combines asking "WH" questions with fun!Consonantly Speaking
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